HOT is too slow to change for me. Everything starts out in the latest anyway, unless it was shared and gout a lot of up votes before featuring. The latest has always been where I spent more of my browsing time.
I'm thinking that the number of followers you have and whom should be only visible on your own profile. Less tension and comparison that way. Otherwise imgflip is gonna turn into another in imstagram or Twitter.IMO. I'm already looking at numbers and thinking he/she has more than me! Lol
You’re a superstar 😎
I really don’t even deserve any followers because I rarely submit stuff, and when I do, they usually tank.
I’m more of a comment maker, when I can find the time 🙂
Had the same conversation with Memedave recently! The BEST go unnoticed! I enjoy your memes, hence dropping by to see your latest on a regular basis. It blows my mind how all the best people manage not to be seen.
I appreciate you stopping by my memes, even the worst of them ❤️
I have a hard time keeping up with everyone on here, but try to catch up when I can.
If I’ve gotten anything from imgflip besides the laughs, it’s the kindness 🙂