When it's not too old (2 or 3 years) I think it should run fine... It does not use any 3D effects... The map engine used could be a bit demanding, but then again I developed the game on an outdated mac-mini, and it ran pretty fluent on it.
When it comes to high opinions... yeah, I hate that too... Although, I know my own qualities and I don't think I should hide them, either, but at the same time, I recognize that I too am a guy with errors. And when you play Star Story you'll definitely see some of my own "bad habits" back in the main protagonist Wendicka (who btw has the same birthday as me, and that was no coincidence)... and her complaints about the stairway in the first mission are based on both the same actions by Barret in Final Fantasy VII, and my own hatred for staircases (and if you reach the top and go back down Wendicka will immediately break the 4th wall).
Well, not loathing myself is something I had to learn over time, but that has to do with how I was treated as a kid, most of all as a teenager, and also in the years to come after that. But that's a long and complicated story.... Ridiculing myself has become my kind of "remedy" to get away from that.