I really wish these "AMERICA - LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT" types would take their own advice.
You don't like people 'disrespecting' the president?
Fine, go live in some country where people who don't kiss "Dear Leader's" ass get shot.
Don't like folks protesting during the national anthem?
Fine. Go live somewhere they lock people up for that.
Don't like the liberal media? Okay. There's plenty of places where it's against the law for media to criticize the government. Try Saudi Arabia.
See, here in America, the 1st Amendment protects our freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Don't like it? Say hi to Putin for me.
You don't like immigrants coming here? Sorry.
We are a nation of immigrants. Your ancestors probably didn't have proper paperwork either. The pilgrims certainly didn't.
And in any case, we have asylum laws on the books and have congressionally ratified international treaties that allow people to take refuge here. Don't like it? GTFO.
You know what else is legal here? Abortion. Here in America every pregnant person has a right to a safe and legal abortion.
Don't like it? Leave.
Don't like gay marriage? That's simple. Don't get married to a gay person. Oh wait, you don't want OTHER people to be gay and married? That's even simpler. F**k right off then.
Here in the U S of A gay people have the right to marry.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass.
Don't like Muslims coming here or serving in congress? Oh shit, my friend, you are in the WRONG country.
Here in America we don't have religious tests to serve in government.
In fact, the doctrine of separation of church and state is foundational in the formation of this country.
So whatever your religion tells you about abortion, or who can be married, or what a family is, or the use of stem cells, or who can pee where, or what kinds of porn you can or can't watch is TOTALLY your business.
But the second you try and make other people live according to YOUR religion, you are in the wrong damn place. Go hang with the Taliban. They're really into that shit.
Don't like that you get called a racist when you fly that confederate flag? Tough shit. We fought a war over this. Your side lost. Can't handle it? Move.
Don't like feminism? Against Black Lives Matter? That's a problem. See, equal protection under law is right there in the constitution.