Seems you got it figured out and blocked them (good for you), but listen carefully darlin', anybody talks to you like that you have a very simple and basic right to tell them to politely FO. sorry, i do not typically swear, and even insinuating it is something i don't do much but in this case it applies. there is a special place in the bowels of prison that people like that belong. respect is something that every decent human being is owed, and if they don't offer it to you then they don't deserve a place in your life, or in this case in your thoughts so do not give them even half a second of time in your brain. if you can find a way to report them you should, get them blocked.
Sorry if this is too forward, ever since we got our baby girl my protective instinct on stuff like this is just through the roof!
I've picked up on this, but it seems you may have a problem with self-worth. Trust me when i say, you are a wonderful person and deserve nothing but the best in life. Don't put yourself in situations like this because you think it's the only attention you can get because you aren't worth are worth better, I promise you that.