Didn't you think I already KNEW that? I know how the district basis the U.S. works with, especially since the system in the U.K. is often said to be similar to that. The U.S. is an important part of geography lessons here, you know. Not to mention that the political news from the U.S. is in the news here more than any other country, sometimes even more than our own.
But fact remains that the winner of the people's votes decides who goes to the congress to represent the people, hence the name "House of Representatives". All members do represent all U.S. civilians in the end, which includes you. You may not feel represented by them, due to them being members of the Democrat party which you clearly don't support, but in a democracy you are allowed this disagreement. You cannot agree with everybody. My personal opinion about these ladies is irrelevant. My point is that you made some errors in your statements about the communists, and that you denied that what the U.S.A. takes most pride in as a nation to be.
Now it may be hard to imagine for a country where you only have two federal parties that really matter, and that they consider each other as enemies, with a lot of polarization coming with that, but in the end, politics is not that black-white and everything needs to be taken with moderation. In the end the Democrats need the Republicans and vice versa, and you will have to accept that these ladies too came to the congress by the means of democratic rules, just like the Republican representatives. In a democracy you will have to accept the votes of others as much as you have to accept your own. That can be hard, that can be frustrating, that can anger you. All fine. But in the end you'll have to know what these ladies stand for, and what their ideals truly are before you can really criticize them, and when you compare them to the communists, you do also need to know what drove the communists, and what drove Marx and Engels (who would definitely have disapproved of what Stalin stood for, trust me). But like it or not, you do live in a democracy... The U.S. has always been proud of that, and denying it just because it brought forth the squad, that's not how things work. And they criticized Trump and you hate that, but criticizing the administration is the work of the congress, which includes the president himself.