How come your finding this oldy?
Well interestingly you bring up QE? The origin of calling a gay man a queen is beause many Royal Queens through history were in fact men, transvestite I guess.
If you go look at Pictures of royals you don't have to twist your thought too far to see that many a Queen was rather mannish hahaha.
I've never looked into Thatcher, she certainly had mannish qualities. I just thought it was because she was outwardly Strong and Hillary I dont know.
Nicola Sturgeon? not sure I spelt correctly but she is from Ireland, Julia?Gillard former Australian Prime minister they both are probably originally men.
Jackie Kennedy (Not a Ruler of course) is the one Trans person that I don't understand how so many people miss. She even has man hips even it's hard to hide the lack of womanly hips except in photos where they pose a curve into it. I have also seen someone build the case that in fact all first ladys are originally men. If you go look you may become a believer on that one too. My god there's been some ugly first ladies, Eleanor Roosevelt did many good things but take a womanly photograph was not one of them hahaha.
You certainly don't need to look to hard to spot a Trans Lady but they always throw distractions to obfuscate, I mean they are trying to look and feel a certain way I guess.
Is any of this Transphobic? I say only if you fear them for some reason, it doesn't sound like you or I are writting anything out of fear.
Otherwise anyone reading this can't know if you or I are Transphobic but I will guess we're both not.
I just read down before posting and now I see a reason for you to say the meme might be transphobic. I think they are alerting people to the fact that everything is not always as presented in life.