100% correct! And since evil, ignorant fools here on the flip are in the habit of comparing Trump to a dictator (Hitler, to be precise) I'll take this opportunity to get out ahead on this. One of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was to outlaw opposition political parties. That sort of swung the outcome of the next election in his favor, well ahead of the election.
And that was absolutely the kindest thing Hitler did to his political opponents.
Ignorant fools who compare Trump to Hitler have no clue what Hitler did, and how Trump has done absolutely nothing that can be legitimately compared to Hitler's actions. Until Trump forces Jews (or Democrats, or any group for that matter) to be publicly identifiable by requiring them to wear a symbol on their clothing, all that these people who make such comparisons are doing is putting their own ignorance on full public display.
AND more importantly, they are preying upon the ignorant by mitigating Hitler's evil in the minds of those too ignorant to read history and find out just what the Nazis were capable of, and the evil they did. Such people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.