It is a bit ironic isn't it?! but hey, like i said that's what this stream is about and i'm just offering my perspective for others to consider, and i'm totally not offended if anyone disagrees with my thoughts. as long as there is mutual respect i think dialog is hugely beneficial to all of us.
Specifically to your points, we are all skeptical by nature so i gotcha. To me, and i'm not a scholar or theologian here, a testimony is a series of events that are specific to your life that you alone have experienced and no one else can change what you experienced. Others may have been involved, and others may have been there, but only you can know exactly what your own experience is in a situation. My testimony is what drives my faith actually, my testimony is what makes me less skeptical of God. Yes, i'm a Christian, no I don't have all the answers, but I have experienced enough events in my life (that comprise my testimony) that have led me to be who I am and have confirmed to me what I believe.
So, testimony develops (as a Christian) by taking note of how things happen in your life and connecting that back to God. You say you were raised in a Christian family so you know the general concepts, and that we believe we are saved through Jesus as our savior. Most of us believe in a personal relationship with JC, and relationships are two way streets. If we don't acknowledge him, the relationship will not exist or will be at least not very fulfilling. But, back to my testimony, I can say from my experience that having a personal relationship with Christ has been extremely fulfilling and i have on numerous occasions been blessed in ways that i can only attribute back to Him.
Thanks for your dialog, i appreciate it! and i'll shut up if you want me to, lol.