Typical Drumpf supporter. No one is talking about Clinton. HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. And even when he was, he won it on his own without a dictator's help. GTFO here
Just like Donnie! At least every one Clinton was accused by was of legal age, unlike Donnie. At least Clinton doesn't wanna f*ck his daughter. Unlike Donnie.
Wow, talk about putting words in my mouth. I'm just pointing out that Donnie is a scumbag rapist. And a traitor. And anyone who supports him is a scumbag traitor. Nice to meet you Barf. I mean Blarfnutz. Oh mean, can't get it right.
Who raped a child besides bill clinton? because your mommy told you trump is bad, it doesnt make him a child molester, unlike Mel Reynolds who clinton pardoned. look it up.
Here's my big issue with Trump supporters. Well besides the fact they are dumb as bricks. You can't have a conversation with them without it turning nasty. Leave my family out of it assclown.
Look at the start of the conversation... "Do you have sand up your vag" How is that not turning it nasty first? Look in the mirror first. Thanks for once again proving me right. You're nothing but a bully. A tough keyboard warrior. I'm sorry you think Trump is a decent human being. I'm sorry you drank the kook aid and can't have a normal conversation without being a dick. But you're done hearing from me. I can't f*cking stand any of you supporters. You have an issue with my memes so you attack instead of presenting facts. A bully, just like Donnie.
BTW, I can be polite even if someone disagrees with me. I often Differ with Octavia and Sometimes Vagabond but we have been cordial to each other.. Try it.
But I will often blast obscenities back when blasted first.. Most ppl do that.
2 ups, 6y
i hate to break it to you
but you were the guy who turned nasty first
you said get the f**k outta here
and were prejudice with
typical drumf supporter phrase
just sayin