Z, i understand. Your not hurtin my feelings. in fact, i feel better that you know. when we met, it wasnt on the best of terms, but after i started high school, You, Me, Damien, and Mason Became friends. I see you, Not only as a lover in my heart, But as the Brother I've never had. I understand it may seem shocking, but i get it. Like a Pendulum swinging, as Yusho Sakaki puts it, is how lives can be. I understand what you mean. I know what its like. I know how ya feel when it comes to a lucky draw. When our friendship started, it was like i drew a Power Bond! (Get the card reference?) We believe in each other, making our bond stronger. Now i understand what my favorite Bible verse, Jerimiah 29:11 means. "For i know the plans i have for you," Declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper and not to harm you. Plans that will give you hope, and a future." Its saying, no matter what, Trust is key. Im not going to hold grudges, where would that lead? Mayhem.