You really are prejudiced. I didn't mention Christians or Christianity, but you use it as an excuse to bash Christians. Here's a fun fact; slavery existed in Africa between local tribes long before Middle-Easterners or Europeans arrived, and when they did African slave traders sometimes supplied them with slaves, mostly taken from enemy tribes or criminals. Since you're so keen to bash Christianity, here's the cherry on top; a lot them weren't Christian, but mostly followed the traditional African religions.
You know what I suspect, I suspect you go for collective guilt; "tar them all with the same brush" and that you're a democrat. So when I reveal the nasty parts of the history of the Democratic party, you try to deflect onto a group you're prejudiced against. Shame on you, at least I'm able to acknowledge when Christians or other groups I'm part of have done terrible things. Also, stop this collective guilt nonsense; it's illogical - the Association Fallacy and the "Hitler Ate Sugar" brand of the Ad Hominem Fallacy to be precise.
Yeah there were Christian slavers, it was also predominantly Christians leading the charge in the U.S. to end slavery and provide civil rights for black people (two of many examples are Rev. Martin Luther King Jr and President JFK, and they were so committed to it , Rev. Martin Luther King Jr was killed for it. How dare you spit on the memory of these great men).