If for no other reason (but there are Many) it's shit like this that would make any 'practical' plan a cluster-mess of the highest order...
- are they going to do DNA Tests?
-- and how long before those tests end up in the hands of Law Enforcement (is it 3 or 4 'Dormant' serial Killers who've been caught now because their Cousin used one of those Ancestry/ 23 & Me-type DNA Kits
- What Percentage 'counts'?
-- Will some one be disqualified because their "Grandmother was Dutch"?
-- Does a Greater percentage pay better?
- What if, Like Ms. Harris, their ancestors (also) OWNED slaves ?
- What if the above DNA shows their 'Tribe' were the ones Selling Slaves?
- Is the Money held until a Child is 18... or is their money 'entrusted' to the Parents?
-- Does said child have any recourse if their parents 'pull a Gary Coleman' on them?