I don't understand why people can't understand that Trump pushing this issue with Putin will do absolutely no good. (wait, I do understand why people can't understand... they're ignorant.)
How do I know? Because president Obama told Putin to cut it out, or knock it off (or some such harsh language) before the 2016 election, and that sure worked really well, right?
According to Trump, he asked Putin about it, and Putin denied it. Even this meme says that Putin denied it!
So what's Trump supposed to do next? Sure, he could "prove" it to Putin, but then what? Putin would still deny it, right? Proving it would only be contentious. And how will that move relations along with Russia? And yes, we share this planet with them, so it's better to get along with them than to go to war with them. Getting along with them does not mean we're friends or allies.
And for gawds sakes, it's "whose" not "who's".