Ahh, mental issues. While oversimplifying it, like I once told a self-proclaimed schizophrenic on another site: cerebral cortex - use it.
It works like this:
The voices in your head?
Ignore them.
The weird scenarios that you whip up but have no foundation in reality?
Disregard them.
The sky is blue despite the thundering purple genie with green spots looming overhead.
We ALL know that in the real world the sky is blue.
We ALL know there are no genies.
Stick with the sky, ignore the genie. Done.
Now this won't cure you of or even quiet your schizophrenic fantasies, but it will allow you to function logically while they dance the night away.
Or try the cop trick:
You just got kicked out of Starbucks because you started flinging brown sugar packets at the cashier screaming he's possessed. While outside, you hear the sirens, see the lights, it's the cops! Suddenly (unless you are truly in gone gone city) you're totally lucid.
I understand continously sustaining this grip on reality is not easy, but when you're about to scream off into lala land as you have here, pretend a cop is tapping your shoulder with his Billy club and your name is Mustapha Leron Jackson. Done.
LIke when you say you have proof but lie that you won't post it because you're saving it for Bastille Day 2021. Schizoid or not, you made a CONSCIOUS effort to lie. Now pretend God is real, he's real pissed off, and you are scared of hell for real. Zip them bs and stick with what is real. Done.
You're welcome.