A great problem I have with the Flat Earth theory is that is is always presented as a conspiracy theory. I can't make any sense out of that. Let me explain by using other cpnspiracoes as an example:
New World Order - Small group of wealthy, international bankers who own nearly everything who aim to create the NWO, a totalitarian regime with indiscriminate surveillance, microchipping etc, and keep the general public completely ignorant of that with mainstream media, from sports, over pop culture to false flag events, because if they knew what those bankers intend, they'd surely revolt because they want freedom.
Big Pharma - Pharmaceutical companies produce not cures, but suppressors of the symptomes which eventually return, giving you the illusion that you got sick again, so you buy the medicine again, and the cycle repeats, giving great profit to the corporations. Also, vaccines are not immunity system boosters, but severe immunity system ravagers, and sometimes, eveb direct causea of severely damaging disease. And the companies keep the general public ignorant from that with pretty much extinguishing any wish to gain the real knowledge on the subjects ("Trust me, I'm a doctor. I assure you there are no risks involving this medicine/vaccine") because if they knew the truth behind the pharmaceuticals, they'd surely revolt, because they don't want to fuel companies that do them harm.
Flat Earth - Earth is not round. It's flat! And they're keeping that a secret because if you knew the Earth was flat................ then you'd....... ummm.......