What amazes me is the unflinching immensity of your stupidity.
You apologized for the nth time, and just as before, within minutes proceed to do what you claimed to have regretted doing in the first place.
Grudges? Son, I IS OLD. This is the web, and like I told you in the past, none of these people exist. That includes you. There are no grudges for blips on the screen. At least not from my gen, not being a silly millenial who thinks social media is real life, not just a mere and addition to it.
You had your chance, you blew it, done. It's not about what was said, but WHY it was said and what that says about YOU. Impersonal butthurtola words du jour from a nobody blip on the screen are supposed to hurt? REALLY? Boomer gen, boi, actual physical pain from real physical things IRL hurt.
This isn't about forgiving, it's about knowing. You're one of the very few (I can think of maybe only 2 others) I actually do not like from here for real real. Not some golly-gee-alt-right-meanypants, but dislike for their actual character.
You're a rat bastard, a piece of shit, slime. A noxious flea whose only redeemable quality is that you finally revealed yourself. You're a miserable individual and you have no one to blame but yourself. This is why you're alone, as you always shall be.
Grow up.