Here it is.
Good evening, Well you've successfully worked the judicial appeal system. With an argument that has been found to be illegal, due to discrimination against Latino voters by a previous court. Also known as a delay tactic.
But by working the judicial system the way you are you get to stay seated on the council. To continue to discriminate against those in the community you wish to.
Oh but what am I saying? Why would I think you did not set this appeal up to your advantage? I say this because what do you know Judge Elizabeth A. Grimes used to work for and be a partner at your lawyer's law firm Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher.
So with this one does have to wonder if there's any additional communication between your lawyers and the judge. I mean we're watching a similar situation playing out in Chicago with Kim Fox and the Jessie Smallette case. And just so that you know no one would put it past you at this point.
And here I'd like to encourage everyone to look up Elizabeth A. Grimes to see the kind of judge she is. There under Law Monster you will find, "She will support any governmental agency on any issue over you."
Then under Biz Lawyer, who's had two cases before Judge Grimes, you will find, "She always had this slightly dry I don't care attitude. She really doesn't care about the parties or attorneys appearing before her. She comments and acts as if reading a motion is a chore."
"It is her I don't care attitude which just screams lack of judicial temperament. she simply does not enjoy being a judge. In addition she favors government and big business."
Do you think this judge is your and your lawyer's way of setting yourselves up? Showing again you are criminals now. And at the end of this you will still be criminals.
Thank you.
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