Yeah, she deleted her profile awhile back.
Some of the are most users have their own streams. The site isn't as it used to be. A meme was pulled from the front page for dashhopes and since that he doesn't come to the site anymore. Raydog's meme was also sent back to submitted because the mods claimed it to be a "REPOST". Yes it was a repost, but it was his own meme he reposted, and it's made us as users unhappy. The mods definitely don't know the meaning of a "Meme"
No meme is original, it's always a knock off of another one or inspired by another meme /idea.
I rarely post to the fun stream anymore because it's too stressful. I have my own streams which are like the old imgflip. Users can post anything and they have three submissions daily.
I post mostly to user's s stream. π