Thanks but I’m probably not your type of patriot
I say f**k both the democrats and republicans. Do me and my wife like illegal immigration? Of course not but
1. It’s not new and suddenly it’s a crises?
2. Americans die at the rate of about 1 or 2 a minute illegal or not? They aren’t going to take up space
3. Let me know when your tax burden is so great you can’t keep your current lifestyle
4. I’m not worried about being killed by a illegal. You are in more actual danger from your family and friends
5. Walls or whatever he’s calling it today are not going to stop drugs or those who really want to get in. I knew guys in the Military who came in illegal and they were allowed to join up
Then declare their family dependent and bring them in.
If it a wall or whatever he calls it work? Why not the northern border? Or the West and East Coast?
Airports ect.
Lastly? The only true answer is a militarized Border with Military combat units. And shoot on site rules of engagement
How you think that goes over?