"and the supreme court has already ruled that burning the flag is under "free speech".my approach is not nihilistic,you are just putting words into my mouth
Burning the flag is free speech precisely because flag burning is speaking about more than a cloth, thereby arguing that it's more than just a cloth. Cloth has a definition, one that overlaps the definition of "flag", but only in so much that a flag is made from cloth-like material. The two are have different meanings, precisely because they have different imputed meanings from their creator and have separate purposes as well.
"while an object can represent an idea/ideal it is still an object,and objects can be perverted,subjugated and twisted to serve another purpose.
an ideal is much harder to corrupt in that fashion."
A flag is the symbolic representation of an idea; hence, it can't be corrupted apart from its original purpose. To say a flag is a cloth...your original statement, is to argue against your own statement immediately above. Change the nouns in that sentence, but keep the structure and "practical" application and one sees where this line of reasoning can lead if universally accepted.
I could take my subjective opinion of some people and use it say that they were just useless pieces of meat; and therefore, better off set on fire, I'd be using the same logic. If something I didn't create is subject to my interpretation, then it's value is subject as well. This is a logical derivative of nihilism, which is why I brought that into the conversation. I didn't put words into your mouth, but simply showed you where they lead to. Nihilism is a principle in of itself. And it leads to logical absurdity.
Your authority to assign meaning to anything is limited to that which you create. Everything else is beyond your authority, unless is somehow aligns with the creator of that which you seek to define.
But on the contrary...you seem to be saying the opposite, that everything is subject to your authority to define it, which, if universally applied leads to no meaning at all, since, theoretically, everyone could disagree on the meaning of the same object, or idea effectively abolishing any real meaning ti might have had. That is nihilism. Unless you believe in the objective meaning in objects, assert your own authority to change it on a whim, which is a form of narcissism.