You think you're being clever, but that's right: even if someone were trying to kill a police officer, this voter here wants them pulled up in front of a court on trial and not executed without one.
If someone is trying to kill me, I have the right to try and kill them as well.
This should extend to our peace officers as well. Why should only the scummy criminal get to use deadly force?
0 ups, 6y,
1 reply
No. You actually don't. Self defence only applies if deescalating a situation puts your own life at risk and that should go double for police.
2 ups, 6y
me lowering my gun would do nothing to deescalate the situation, if that POS isn't lowering his and I have no faith in his ability to understand reason at that point. I have zero sympathy for anyone that thinks they can point anything at a cop and ends up losing.