Meaning the demand for it isn't big enough to take the risk. Though demand is growing. Musk spends so much, even his own money for clean energy. There are times where it is questioned if it is doable without hurting people or taking away rights of others. No one man can say what's right or wrong when we are so diverse in our thinking. Almost everyone agrees that there is climate change. As to cause, and effect, that is still widely disputed. Reason being is political driven. There are things to gain from winning this argument if it can be won.
I would love to drive an electric car, have solar panels (if I owned and they were affordable for me), but many things can't be done.
If you are like me, you live in an apartment complex, pretty poor, where you know most of your neighbors are barely affording rent. We own the cars we own because there affordable to maintain and biking to work takes away 3 hours of our time spent with family. Bussing does the same, but the closes route is 1/2 a mile away. People barely making it, working min wage jobs will take there car if possible. If you look at industries individually, i.e transportation, what will change socially, economically, and environmentally. Look first at the people who can't afford such a change. How many low income are actually willing to change? And such change requires everyone's time, money, and work. Honestly, as I look around, I feel that we would end up like Frances yellow vest a lot quicker, and more violent.