now if I am wrong,feel free to correct me.
but it appears to me this meme is addressing the wells fargo financing the DAPL pipeline,and aoc making the case that wells fargo should be held to a standard of responsibility.
what this meme totally misses,and is pretty damn important,is not the financing alone.
that,by itself,is a non-issue.
what IS the issue is that wells fargo knowingly financed a "known factor",which was the fact the pipelines leak,(DAPL has had 5 big leaks to date),and how wells fargo was attempting to offset (called externalization) the costs of clean up onto the American tax payer.
meaning YOU,dear reader,and is actually "socialism".
so aoc was trying to get wells fargo to admit that they knowingly,and with intent,financed/invested in a known quantity and were attempting to abdicate their fudiciary responsibilities.
if I have assumed wrong,please forgive me,and disregard my comment.