muppets never do,because they are married to the ideology rather than objective truths.
I know that whatever source I post will immediately be dismissed as "biased" or "to slanted" without any real critical examination.anything that threatens your own beloved bias must be attacked,slandered or smeared.
I posted an article from commondreams,which has been around for almost 20 years.they produce good,solid journalism and solid opinion.
YOU dismissed it as fake website that had been just if you stating it,made it real.
now you keep regurgitating the state propaganda about Venezuela as if the only reason Venezuela is suffering (and they ARE suffering) is due to socialism.
a convenient,single issue political talking point,which makes it oh so easy to attack.
but that simply is not the truth.
and why would I spend anymore time than I am writing this to you to do what?
convince you of something?
change your mind?
dude,your mind is already made up,and if I want to waste my time I will go bang my head against the wall.
the sad thing is,i think you are an ok dude.
I do not have any ill will towards you and I think your heart is in the right place.
I have posted great resources to examine the Venezuelan situation and you dismissed them.preferring the American narrative.
so when I call you out on your meme,i am not really directing it towards you per se"
I already know you are convinced.
I post for those who may swallow your meme as being true.
so they see your meme.
then they see me chastise you.
and may be they will go research,and not simply take your word at face value.