Wow you ask for respect? I gave it. Intolerance with a double standard that is all your nonsense not mine. The lady in the interview was using a straw man argument, false dichotomy and hasty generalization. If you watch the video you will understand the joke better. I honestly never thought any person throwing up these asinine memes, yes they are ALL foolish and mostly not funny, would be so sensitive to a bad joke. It was not a statement just a joke. To correct you, the law was intended to fine people for not using the pronoun you personally identify as, which could change at your own personal whim, defining it as hate speech not to do so and that would be publishable by a fine. It was an underhanded attack on freedom of speech using hate speech as an excuse. Can you not see the slippery slope of giving government this kind of power? To not just not have free speech but to be forced to speak what the government orders. The next step is taking away our right to assemble. Peterson is saying that there has be a better way. BUT they blew his comment out of proportion, had tantrums, put words in his mouth and had extreme over reactions just like most of his interviewers. Now address me as your Big Daddy Supreme Overlord ! Or be fined. In the future it will be law soon anyway if people like you have anything to say about it. Or lets not draw the line and make it illegal for you to say I am “jabbering”. You do not care about my meme it could say anything. You just want someone you think is less intelligent than you to pick on to ease your own pain. I am sad for you because you don't even know you are what you hate.