How precious! I love your self righteous indignation. It's so cute. Did you huff and puff or just stomp your feet? That's too freaking funny.
Why would any intelligent human being waste a single second feeling anything for someone they don't know and will never meet? At this moment, while I'm still typing, I couldn't even tell you what your id is. I don't care. Your opinion is useless here. Why do people like you have to pretend to be better than everyone else. Mommy issues? Daddy issues? Boss says that's the troll goal of the day? I don't know and I don't even know why I bother asking that. I honestly couldn't care less. I'm bored and it gave me a chuckle so I guess there's that. Of course I won't remember this two minutes from now so ... It's all kind of moot isn't it? *kisses ~ you goofy troll you.