"The economy will crash sooner than later"
I have been hearing that since the election and we are doing the best ever, can it crash? they always do.
What leading economist are saying its going to tank?
all my ppl and forbes etc say its doing great and the future looks good.
"You are one of the lucky ones" well yes but I made my own luck. I didn't strap myself with debt, I went into the building trades and everyone in my shoes is doing great. I watch what i spend. I can afford to go out and buy 100 pairs of overpriced junk nikes like many fools do but I buy 1 pair of red-wing work boots a year and have Zero Nikes.
The 1% and their tax breaks are the ones giving me work now. Period.
The USA was the highest corp tax rate in the world. Many Corps did back stab us with Cafta (dubya) and (Nafta) Clinton but it took a jerk like Trump to re-do those dog shit scams..
Trump isnt an emperor, he is a President with a pen and phone (and a shitty congress) He is doing much better than i ever thought, I will admit I had very low expectations but he did way better than I expected .
and as far as "Knowing how the gov works" I am somewhat glad an outsider is in there because they way government works is, They pass laws to make their pals and themselves rich in the past. Take a look at all the previous Potus's net worth b4 the WH vs today..
You cant get rich in politics unless you are a crook. Harry S Truman