Hey,when we allow people to say unacceptable things we give our tacit approval of what they just said. It allows a certain deterioration in standards. Just like allowing an uncouth old fraud w/ a filthy mouth & mind,who even worse had no loyalty to country, God,or even family to become our 45th (gag,retch.).president..opened the floodgates for a tsunami of racist, sexist intimidation!
We aren't the "word police"-we are those who are desperately trying to hold together the attitude necessary for our nation to NOT self destruct! Good manners and basic social graces spring from empathy. That's why good diplomats can head off wars-they see their counterparts position. They can walk their path. Dont be so sure that the world you want is so ideal; the good old days you dream of never were good for women,children,or the working classes. The exploitation of other human beings has been justified in a thousand tiresome ways-religious & judicial sources were enlisted to make the grotesque seem acceptable & the norm. When we stop remarking on how wrong or incongruous something is,it becomes accepted and is encouraged. Millions of racists,sexist,angry people who were filled with hate emerged from under their rocks at Trump's rallying bray. He's very good at making the gullible believe he cares about their needs,when he's actually mocking them behind their backs. If you had ever SEEN Trump when he wasn't playing his role for the cameras,you'd kick yourself in the keister for ever supporting him or his partners in crime. Don't pat yourself on the back for "defying the word police"-remember that we are simply trying to contain the damage done by a traitorous administration of pseudoamericans foisted upon us by Putin,another misogynistic wife-beating philanderer like Trump!