thanks man,really didn't expect a response.
very cool of you.
if I could offer a few points for your consideration:
1.from my perspective,you appear to be engaging in a form of identity politics.
you see my meme,and it is pointing to a severe instance of cult of personality,but it is using trump as the vehicle to express that dynamic.
you see this meme admonishing trump supporters as being incurious and blindly following.
you are a trump supporter,so therefore this meme must be addressing you.
which compelled you to comment that I do not understand trump supporters.
I counter,with what should be are not every trump supporter,and if you are critical of trump then this meme REALLY has nothing to do with you.
but the fact you felt targeted is a symptom of identity politics. should avoid pronouns such as "we".
you are not every trump supporter,and the reasons why you support him are not a clone of every other trump supporter.everyone has their own reasons why they support someone,and while those reasons may overlap,they are rarely a cut-and-paste copy.
3.trump has around 31% solid support base,and around 40% of those supporters believe trump does not lie.that everything he states is true.
now personally I find that 40% number too high.i struggle to believe that almost HALF of trump supporters believe everything trump states is gospel,but those people DO exist,and they DO believe everything he says.
there is even a number of trump supporters that believe,with everything in their being,that trump was chosen by.....GOD.
and it is THIS cult of personality,
this blind faith obedience,
and lack of critical examination that my meme is addressing.
4.i am not anti-trump.
I am critical of trump,as I am critical of power.
if you are not surrendering your critical thought processes,and judge trump based on your own subjective morality and expectations,then this meme is not about you.
but there are those who do surrender their own agency and project their weird messiah,hero worship onto trump as somehow being a savior sent by god to lead them to the promised land.
not all trump supporters were created equal,and you should drop the "we" and replace it with a more honest "I".
that's my .02.
that's for clarifying my friend.