You appear confused... not only are Memes are not exclusive to their origins... but I simply neglected to re-title it, as I neglect to do with most of my creations because I'm lazy like that for example
I found a Happy Pitbull image in the Meme pile... I dropped a V For vendetta quote over it... obviously that Dog never 'spoke' those words, but i thought it 'worked'
and even so; in this case, I chose 'Scumbag Boss' because he looks like the kind of asshole who would make some one metaphorically, if not literally Kiss his ass because he felt his toes had been stepped on
in all honesty I was torn between 'him' and a random politician, but
A. that would have put it in the Politics section
B. regardless of who I chose, some one would take it as an attack on that person or their beliefs, even though almost every Politician is guilty of such actions at one point