1)corporations behave badly due to government involvement in the markets. Govt regulations and taxes kill small businesses, which give large corporations basically a monopoly on consumers. WIthout govt, more bussinesses would form and compete withe each other, this is how free market capitalism works, so corporations would have to act correctly since big daddy govt inst there to bail them out anymore and the consumers have most of the societal power.
corporations cannot survive in a free market unless they play ball like the rest of us and cater to the consumers.
pollution hurts the environment, this kills off things we need for production, corporations wouldnt allow that in a FMC (free-market capitalism) as the environment supplies a large quantity of resources we can use for production of goods.
2)you seem to think all humans are either idiots or bad people, do you really think people would set up toll roads? not only is that a waste of time because people will use untolled roads, your missing the point that people aren't all evil.