Like you I try to be skeptical when extreme stuff like this hits. European news sources were playing the actual recording of an interview where he said this. It's one thing to believe it, another to express something so cruel and radical publicly, and then maybe present it as good public policy. Medicine is advancing so rapidly in many areas, that a bad diagnosis today is curable tomorrow. I thought life as I knew it was over when I nearly died a couple times from a rare form of adult onset asthma. 2 years later a new biologic medication was approved and with one injection a month I have no asthma symptoms, still have asthma, just "very well controlled". The Jerusalem Post just published an article where medical researchers announced they have found a cure for cancer!. Not just one type, not just put it in remission, a cure. Now for government approvals and big pharma resistance, but the science behind it is fascinating. Slippery slope advocates have long warned that genetic research may show an unborn child has a "cancer prone" gene and a decision is taken to end the life so that being won't potentially suffer sometime in the future. Developments like this change the future. Gay activists realized the potential peril if a "gay gene" was discovered and a negative value attributed to it would result in selective abortions. I understand your views on abortion, I think you understand why I would rather let nature take it's course and err on the side of human potential. thanks Octavia. Hope you're running Florida and not the Midwest- I'm stuck in the PA-NJ vortex (no NYC they said, Secaucus is not NYC they said)