Manafort, Cohen, Gates, Flynn......Trump killed the Mueller Investigate, obstruction, jail time. The only way Fat Nixon gets off is if it turns on his master Putin.
Nobody named Bridge is doing time, just those VERY close Trump associates are doing time or have flipped. Clean people don't have to flip, just tell the truth. Remember Trump said he would talk to Mueller in person, under oath with no attorneys? SURELY you would remember---don't you? Another lie from Trump.
And Just proved my point for me and you dont even know it. If Mueller had so much as J walking on Trump he would be in jail like those others you so blissfully pointed out!
It is going to come out. Liars get busted. Trust Trump: really, "Going to show my taxes" "Going to talk directly to Mueller under oath without any attorneys". Don't you remember these Trump statements that have turned out to be lies?