No, we definitely don't. Another example of how fractally dumb this project is:
*the guy pitching it promised another country would pay for it and US taxpayers wouldn't have to, but has so far totally failed to make that happen
*a whole lot of military, immigration and nat'l security experts have pointed out all the ways in which the wall isn't even a feasible, practical, national-security-sound idea (environmental impact, the feds seizing private citizens' property, all the water borders that the wall doesn't begin to address, the fact that the majority of illegal US residents came legally and overstayed their visas, and the wall does NOTHING to address that)
*even if all the experts were wrong, we were still promised that someone else would foot the bill
*even if someone else won't, it should at worst be paid for out of taxes, not citizen donations
*the donations that have, foolishly, already been given don't yet amount to even a tenth of one percent of the lowest lowball cost estimate for total construction ($21B)
*even if the GoFundMe $1B goal is met (unlikely), it would be 4.only 75% of that lowest estimate
*in any case, the lowest estimate is almost certainly an underestimate, so even if this GFM meets its goal it may well only be 3.85% to as low as 1.42%, leaving a whopping 96.15-98.68% yet to be provided.
Fractally dumb. Plus, I think by GoFundMe's rules this is a community fundraiser, not a startup, so the guy who created the whole thing can withdraw any amount he wants right now and do anything on earth he wants to with it. Unless he sets up some kind of trust with a third party administrating it, he has zero accountability and there's absolutely nothing stopping him from fleecing the shit out of every single donor.
I'm furiously against the wall myself, but I was talking on Twitter with someone who *does* fully support it but has said that no damn way will she give a penny to this thing unless he sets up a trust or puts some other firewall between himself and the money--right now he's telling people that if they don't want to go through GFM they can just send checks straight to his home address!