If you look at this grandma, you can see that she's not ancient. She might be about sixty. Her memories of growing up would be of a president (JFK) who tried to inspire the nation (ask not what your country can do for you,,,). She remembers the birth of the civil rights movement, and the Civil Rights Act that was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in 1964. She remembers Woodstock. Now she sees a president who sows the seeds of disrespect and division every day--who has demeaned the office and is on the verge of being impeached, if not eventually indicted for criminal activity. She sees the political division that becomes nastier by the day--especially as it is reflected in social media--this very same political section of IMGFLIP being a prime example, where falsehoods and half-truths, and yes, racism, abound. There is a meme currently running that insinuates Michelle Obama is a man...on and on. Yes, this country has had it's growing pains all along...racial segregation, as you so rightly pointed out, and all that resulted from it being the most shameful chapter in our history. Now the racial hatred has merely gone underground. I won't challenge you on your statement that we are living in the best times in human history. You must have your reasons for thinking that. But with the trashing of our planet and the specter of climate change looming over us, which is a direct threat to the survival of our children and grandchildren--with the decline of civility in human discourse, I don't fault this woman for thinking the way she does.