Got to halfway through the second line though.
Again, you are so focused on being a deliberate idiot that you are oblivious to the rare occasions that you just maybe right.
News Flash:
I am NOT G-Man.
VagabondSouffle is not my real name.
This isn't 2nd grade, so saying VagagoogooSoosoo is not going to make me that angry at my folks for naming me my intentionally stupid sounding username.
I AM a parody, OF YOU. And the rest of these trolls.
That was the original intention of this profile - to troll trolls.
You project too much, and I play on that, which is why you deflect away from my comments. I played your smug for what it is, a lame attempt at being a pretentious psuedo intellectual in order to make up for the inadequacy that comes with being a hasbeen neverwas swathed in the spittle of his own briny bitterness.
Now go on, harrass some newbs, telling them you're going to *boo hoo* chase them from the site.
Haha, not really.