The speed limit from Sutton Rd. to Austin Rd. is 55 MPH. Since there's a stop at Austin Rd., we will only calculate for 13 of the 14 miles distance.
It takes 65.45 seconds to travel 1 mile at 55 miles per hour. Multiply by 13, and the total time it takes to travel that distance going the speed limit 850.91 seconds, or 14 minutes and 10.91 seconds.
Obviously, travelling 13 miles at 60 MPH takes 13 minutes. So, by going 5 MPH over the speed limit, you save 1 minute and 10.91 seconds.
Travelling at 65 MPH, it takes 12 minutes to travel 13 miles (55.38 seconds per mile). The time saved going 10 MPH over the speed limit is 2 minutes and 10.91 seconds.
If you go 70 MPH, it takes 51.43 seconds for each mile, or 11 minutes and 8.57 seconds. That's saving 3 minutes and 2.34 seconds at 15 MPH over. We're also talking about getting into reckless/dangerous speeds, because the whole distance is a deer crossing zone, and you're looking at less reaction time.
20 MPH over the speed limit, 75 MPH still only saves you 3 minutes and 46.91 seconds (10 minutes and 24 seconds total travel time).
Is a ticket worth it?
Suppose you come upon someone going 50 MPH. Did you know that you can still get a speeding ticket if you go over the speed limit in order to pass? Most of the time, there's too much traffic to be able to pass at 55 MPH. I get annoyed, sure, but then I realize I'm only losing 6.55 seconds per mile.