I don't know who you are but I am extremely hurt (I'm shaking so bad I can barely type, even). I've been thrown away like the trash for daring to be anything other than wallpaper. I don't know how others can look themselves in the mirror after treating others so.
I thank you for caring, even in rebuke. As a friend once said, the opposite of love isn't hate, its apathy. Which is why I am feeling so hurt. Better to be despised than ignored.
Ann on a mouse . . .come down off your high mouse . . . it's a jest even though I know it's likely supposed to be a homonym for "anonymous".
But why the extremely thin skin? Perhaps that might be the reason a respectful disagreement proves impossible for you. Your replies are way out there and far exceed the perceived slight.
Chin up, this is a humor site. If you lack this capacity my mom won't let me play with you any more.
I'm confused. Did you or did you not follow me here from Twitter? If not, I probably hurt you in my confusion. I'm sorry if I did. I had just discovered the oops of having posted a screenshot with an imgflip tab shortly before I discovered your comment. I thus thought I had been followed here by a third party.