This is a very dishonest depiction of reality. At this point in our history, the Democratic party has sold out to corporations and is now just as bad as the Republican party with one exception, The Democratic party puts on a nice pretty face with a bow on top when they screw over the American people.
Both the Dem party and the Repub party are pro-war, anti-medicare for all, anti-rank choice voting, anti-3rd party choice.
Both work in collaboration with one another to keep the system rigged and locked in a two party cycle that divides voters and confuses them with "The choice of no choice".
Both favor the rich over the middle class and the poor.
Both are in favor of ruining the environment with Pipelines polluting farm lands and fracking. And all I wrote is just a snippet of information that you are clearly uninformed about.
Think life would have been better under Democratic rule? Or maybe you think Hillary would have been better for the country?... Think again, With Obamas help, Hillary would have passed the TPP <--- Learn about that trade agreement and find out how much hell that would have brought all of us. Did you want to go to war with Russia? Because that is exactly what Hillary had plans for. There are several videos and articles that explain and demonstrate her efforts to incite a war with our nations that would have ultimately ended up causing ww3.
You think I don't already know that the Green party's chances to get on the debate stage is slim (especially in a corrupt and rigged system) but when the choices given to you are equivalent to cancer and AIDS, smart people tend to choose neither.