I used to think that too until I started to actually read history books. Pretty much the Soviet Union took on Germany almost single-handedly. Soviet Union lost somewhere between 8 and 10 million troops... The US didn't make a significant impact on Germany's land war until like 1944. US lost about 400,000 troops in WW2. Who liberated the concentration camps like Auschwitz? Soviet Union. Who reached Berlin first? Soviet Union. Hell, the Soviet Union surrounded 250k-300k Germans at Stalingrad and by the time they surrendered they were reduced to 90,000. Only 5,000 of those Germans ever made it out of the Soviet Union post-war alive. Hitler main targets were Jews and Bolsheviks (communists) and guess what Russia was full of at the time? The Russians also took terrible terrible revenge on the Germans once they won they paid em back as much as possible. The Germans had been using infants for target practice and mutilating bodies and teens and shit. After the capture of Berlin it was estimated that the Soviets raped German women in the high hundred thousands to the low millions. Pretty crazy stuff