Canons of Dort aren't the Bible. Subtle edition of Gnosticism is Satanic as well. Three point on both ends are Biblical as are Molinists. Seems nobody actually goes to God direct and reads the Bible without theological glasses on that removes something one theologian claims isn't in the Bible. I'd personally love to get all canons, catechisms, confessions and theological slants and set fire to them all so people will have to go to God direct, confess, consecrate then ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and discernment as the most disobeyed scripture in the Bible, James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom let us ask of God who will give to all liberally and without reproach. It can take years but these doctrines can be bridged. 5 point Calvinism and 5 point Arminianism is Phariseeism. MacArthur, Piper etc have you wrapped around their finger and you're oblivious to it. Arminians are rarely heard from "reformed theology ghoulish character assassinating 4 but especially 5 point Calvinism teaches subtle Gnosticism that would deceive the elect if possible. It's geared towards seasoned Christians who rejected Emergent/liberal theology crap, seeker sensitive/easy believism, Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox, name-it claim-it/prosperity crap, works only, non-Trinitarian, SDA, Christian Science, Quaker, Amish legalism etc and with emphasis on His "sovereignty" or in reality the idolatry of this attribute, His glory ALONE instead of first, "mortifying the flesh or actually just the obvious outer crap & all every Christian longs to hear. Subtle trickery, cognitive dissonance, gaslighting, projection, condescending smugness out does Arminians by lightyears. GO TO GOD AND WAKE UP YOU'RE BRAINWASHED AND IN DANGER ABOVE AND BEYOND THE OTHER HERESIES. 3 POINT ON EITHER END, PROVISIONALISM AND MOLINISM ARE IN A GOOD PLACE BUT LEGALISM IS NO BETTER THAN UNIVWRSALISM! WAKE UP! FREE WILL, MIDDLE KNOWLEDGE AND PREDESTINATION HAVE THEIR BIBLICAL TRUTH IN PROPER CONTEXT. GOD WILL SHOW YOU. WAKE UP!