I love it. I once played a prank on someone with that card. At that time, I was the president of the local Kiwanis Club (Colebrook, NH). A different Kiwanis club nearby, in Berlin, NH invited our membership to tour a recently built prison. Many of the members of the Berlin Club actually held key jobs in running that prison.
In any case, I made up a pile of Get Out of Jail cards, and quietly handed one to each member getting the tour, except for 1 member. At the end of the tour, the warden said "Ladies and Gentlemen, that concludes our tour. If you have a Get Out of Jail Card, you can exit from the rear doors.". The gentleman who did not get a Get Out of Jail Card was detained for a couple of hours.
As a condition of his release, he had to complete his wife's patio, and agree to do a few other things that his wife had been nagging him to do for some time. When I left the seat as President, my last act was to give him a framed "Presidential Pardon" for all infractions that caused his incarceration on the night of the tour.