The first, crudest version of Photoshop was created in 1987, and it was not even remotely equal to the Apollo, Gemini, Mercury, satellite, and other true photographs - two full *decades* or more earlier. And not just photos - indisputable motion video, hundreds of thousands of consistent individual frames. Two decades earlier, before the age of the supercomputer.
If you remember the crude painted globe renditions that everybody - including the highest-budgeted Hollywood films - were forced to resort to for effects (and I do, and they were awful even into the 70s), they were not even 3-5% as good as the true photos.
Assuming you're not an intel-paid social media drone/shill masquerading as a biblical literalist fundie, your world collapsed centuries ago, you're just still catching on. And you'll survive, like the rest of the world did. But even though you could be just the mindless puppet they hoped for to carry forward their - ahem - memetic work for them, I'm not completely ready to rule out the drone theory on you yet.