wOw, almost forgot:
Pop 155,000
Murders 2017 - 30
Pop 1,471,000
Murders 2017 - 68
At almost a tenth the population, your city has a bit under half the number of murders of the Bx. If your population was the size of just the Bronx alone, you would have more than DOUBLE the murder rate than the ENTIRETY of NYC!
Gotta help me out here, brother, because my math sucks. I must be off a digit or three here somewhere (plus I have been sick with the flu AND now with gastritis too and got a bad headache), because I calculated your city (at 155,000) has 1/55 the pop of my city (at 8,530,000). 30 × 55 means if yous were us, yous woulda had a whopping 1650 murders last year! That's 1365 more than NYC's 285! Are you still undergoing the crack epidemic there? My math has gots ta be way off, cuz YOWZA!
Help me out, my brother, I must have miscalculated badly!