"Funny, I don't see white only rooms in schools,"
It is 2018, ya know.
"from what I have seen in America all the racism is started by blacks,"
ALL? You dear poor little redneck.
"lying about the police,"
Yeah, pretending 20 of their bullets killed ya is sure lying
"lying about suffering"
Unlike you feeling victimized by being the beneficiary of white priviledge.
"lying about why they demand handouts"
LYING? About what? HANDOUTS?
I STILL can't believe that in your States y'all git rent vouchers, free CARS, the works.
1.8 million poor in my town, and ain't any of that being doled out to em. Take a tour of the projects, I dare ya.
Then again, NY ain't a Red State, which are the poorest and the highest recipients of benefits. Ya lost the Civil War, git over yerself and develop yer economy already.
"and the worst of all feeling entitled for their own failed so-called leadership."
WHOSE leadership? Ain't you the dolt dolling out the warm n fuzzy "I only sees me one race, THA HUMAN RACE!" platitudes?
Entitled? You mean like the white priviledge you bemoan the demise of?
"Stop pretending you care"
I DON'T care. This is a joke. Sarcasm is fun.
"do something to better yourself."
Better what? There ain't no bettering myself, hun, I like me as I is.
"Nothing worth having is free."
Open your eyes, boy, it's ALL free. Dafrig you think you are, a Yazidi in Iraq under ISIL? Stop crying like a put upon cuck.
"I have seen real struggles, real slaves and real oppression"
Only in your lies.
"you are none of those."
Now tell me about myself.
"You are an activist without a cause when you could be a leader"
Yes, mommy, thanks for permitting me to do so.
"and reach across your hate and open your eyes to find away to help those you fear."
Hate keeps us alive, fear keeps us alive. Better still, the more that allow such to kill them, the better for the rest. Too many people to start with. Let the herd cull itself.
Git yer head out yer ass and stop licking your prostate.