Hmmm, well, I'd just like to say that I have read articles by people who've been living entirely on plant-based foods for over 30 years and are very healthy and that I've lived entirely off of plants for almost a year and I'm still alive and well. All plant-based foods, such as beans and pulses, contain the 9 essential amino acids (protein calcium etc) and vitamins, so if you ate them in abundance, you'd have no problem. You'd only need to supplement B12 and iodine because the body needs these in a concentrated form, although plants also contain these. If you're not into healthy food, today, there are many vegan alternatives to popular foods, such as vegan pizzas, burgers, bacon, cheese, cookies, and cakes, to name just a few, so you really wouldn't have to feel like you're just munching on carrots. These foods are delicious, cruelty-free and some are even a little bit healthy. Getting away from food though, would you be able to just watch me kill an innocent pig, cow or chicken in front of you? Would you be able to just throw a baby chick into a grinder alive? Take a calf from his or her mother? Cut notches into a screaming piglet's ear and cut his or her teeth out? Could you honestly look into the eyes of a sentient being and kill them with a knife, a gun or on a machine? No? Well, why pay for someone else to do it to do it in a slaughterhouse, then? Sentient beings go through this torture just so humans can eat them, which is not good for us and even worse for them. Through telling the truth and giving alternatives, vegans are not trying to force their beliefs on anyone but we want to simply challenge things and reveal truths in order to create a fairer world, which is happening right now with the rise in popularity of this lifestyle. Hope this explains things.