Good for you dear sir, Just beacuse you lived in the Bronx dosen't mean you are an expert in gun control and or preventation of deaths, Just because someone who flies a fighter jet dosen't mean they can build one, Gun control is silly and will never work, did banning drugs work?"
LIVE, LIVE. Like only my whole life, since back when it was synonymous with most dangerous place in the world and still today when it is part of THE safest big city in America.
Good for you dear child, Just because you never lived in the Bronx dosen't mean you are an expert in gun control and/or preventation of deaths. Just because you don't fly a fighter jet doesn't mean you can build one with your pocket full of irrelevance skill set. Since you claim gun control is silly and it and banning drugs doesn't work, why not legalize them, murder, rape, theft, assault, drunk driving, driving without a license, arson, and every other thing that just so happens to be illegal and see how long you last in your bucolic little rabbit hole soiling your cute little nappies?
Next time, do some fact checking. And learn to spell and use proper punctuation. Not that it would help your lame attempt at refuting by citing your own ignorance that is so admittedly massive you project it onto others, but at least it'll look prettier.
School is still a thing despite producing sorts like yourself. I reckon you think it should be banned too?