What part of the game were you scared of? My guess is the sewers with those f**king Novistadors(bugs).Or probably the entire castle.The Zealots chanting occult gibberish is jist creepy AF
It is a masterpiece,and a must-play for every gamer,horror-fan or not!And while Pyramid Head is pretty disturbing(especially the rape scenes),I'd say Mr.X from Resident Evil 2 is the scariest of them all.Pyramid Head is a close second with Nemesis from RE3 right behind him
For me personally,the best thing about Super Mario 64 is the fact that it has so many worlds to explore and search for stars in.At the time,that just blew my mind.Hell,the whole idea of Super Mario in 3D was the most ingenius thing I could possibly imagine back then! And for that reason,it was my favourite game until I've played The Legend of Zelda:Ocarine of Time and Silent Hill 2
The age from Gen IV(SNES,Sega Genesis) to GEN VI(PS2,XBox,GameCube) is the golden age of gaming.Before that were the dark,pioneering days of gaming,and after that is yet another dark age of Micro transactions,Early Acesses,Pre-Orders,Gamestops and bullshit business practices over actualy quality games.So,if a game is over a decade old just means it was made at the best period of time!
I'm not perv,I'm a Metalhead!But I legitimately thought they were gonna f**k xD
The dialogue goes like this:
Ashley:"When you take me back to my place,how about we do some ummm...overtime?"
But at least that's the origin of a masterpiece meme known as "No way,f*g"