Wait 'til I do my mine! You know, once I reach 1 million points...
2 ups, 7y,
1 reply
Hey, how's the depression going now that your memes sliding slowly into oblivion? Only kidding, now the challenge is to come up with the goods again - no pressure ;-)
And for your information, I got this idea from when someone described a high person as 'trippy' and I thought the word's meaning had something to do with shoes.
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpics.me.me%2Fi-bought-shoes-from-a-drug-dealer-i-dont-know-26853486.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fme.me%2Fi%2Fi-bought-shoes-from-a-drug-dealer-i-dont-know-18162792&docid=YE1dY-ciDY3WgM&tbnid=Z7F4sUlSeBsvSM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiF8KSnoIXZAhVQtlkKHaL3BZ0QMwg-KAEwAQ..i&w=500&h=442&itg=1&bih=662&biw=1366&q=I%20dont%20know%20what%20he%20laced%20them%20with&ved=0ahUKEwiF8KSnoIXZAhVQtlkKHaL3BZ0QMwg-KAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 thats the link go to it :-)
Lmao! Oh btw, this meme actually wasn't original. I found it on Pinterest. You really are a smart one. No getting away with anything with you around! Ha, ha! =)