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9,809 views 3 upvotes Made by Realitycheck89 7 years ago in fun
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Not all Muslims are like that. I should know, I'm a Muslim, and I have never done ANY of these things.
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The koran, hadith and other islamic sources teach violence against non muslims, hypocrites( superficial muslims) and apostates( those that leave islam). Under sharia law honor killings, executing people for criticizing islam, female genital mutilation, executing homosexuals and stoning people for adultery are permited. Islam is not peaceful, its a violent and oppressive religion/political regime. Here are a few verses from islamic sources commanding the killing and subjugation of non muslims.

Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the Fire: And evil is the home of the wrong-doers! (3:151)

Sahih al-Bukhari 6924—Muhammad said: “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: La ilaha illallah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and whoever said La ilaha illahllah, Allah will save his property and his life from me.”

Sahih Muslim 30—Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.”

Qur’an 48:29—Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Qur’an 9:111—Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain;

You may not want to do these things but whether you like it or not they are part of islam. This is why there has been so many islamic terrorist attacks. Also Mohammed was a polygamist and a pedophile. He had many wives and at least 4 of them were under the age of 10, his favorite being aisha. I dont understand how anybody could follow the teachings of a pedophile. Islam is also oppressive towards women. Women are regarded as inferior and weak minded with little or no rights and A women's testimony is worth half of that of a man. There is alot of things wrong with islam and before you call me a rascist like most muslims do when islam is criticized, keep in mind that islam is not a race and i am a middle eastern immigrant.
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The Quran teaches love, not violence. Sure it has violent verses, but these weren't meant to be taken literally. Anybody who does take them literally isn't a true Muslim.

Muhammad wasn't a violent or evil person. He would be disgusted with what these violent Muslims are doing. These people are NOT representative of Islam. In fact, they give Islam a bad name.
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They are ment to be obeyed and some muslims do. Mohammed was a pedophile and he commands musilms to kill and subjugate non muslims, force them to covert to islam and pay the jizya, but that doesn't make him violent or evil? I see you don't hesitate to use taqiyya. Islam is violent in its doctrine and is not peaceful. Some muslims disregard the violent verses but doing that doesn't make islam peaceful, it makes them hypocrites even according to islam.
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No they weren't. Those verses were NOT meant to be taken literally. Muhammad didn't want violence committed in his name. These Muslims that commit acts of violence aren't real Muslims. They're a disgrace to Islam. Muhammad would be disgusted by what these terrorists are doing. Islam was never meant to be used as an excuse for violence. I'm not using taqiyya, I'm speaking on behalf of Muslims who aren't violent but are persecuted anyway SOLELY because of their beliefs. Islam is NOT a violent doctrine. Islam was never meant to be used for violent reasons. Muslims that don't follow the violent verses aren't hypocrites at all. Non-violent Muslims are the perfect example of what Islam is truly about: unity and equality.
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If you accept some verses from the koran/hadith but disregard others then you are whats called a superficial muslim/ hypocrite. It also shows that all islamic doctrines are flawed with contradictions therefore islam is a man made religion and not divine. Islam is violent in its doctrine like the verses i presented. The Hatred and violence (indocrinated by islam) against non muslims (especially jews) can be observed through out history and the violent verses clearly explain why we have so many islamic terrorist attacks on a regular bases. What you are saying is a lie (taqiyya) and im not a ignorant westener that you can easly deceive and manipulate with taqiyya. Islam permits muslims to lie and deceive non muslims and that is called taqiyya. Shame on you for your lies and being part of a violent ideology that was created by a pedophile warlord.
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No I'm not. I'm not superficial or hypocritical. It's these terrorists that are superficial and hypocritical. The violent verse in the Quran were never meant to be taken literally. Islam was never meant to be violent or hateful. These terrorists have twisted the words of Muhammad to expand on their agendas. These so-called "Muslims" who attacked people of different faiths and thought processes can suffer eternal shame in Jahannam for all I care. I'm not lying at all. I'm not using taqiyya at all, so stop saying I am and accept that not all Muslims are the same. (Keep in mind, you're talking to an actual Muslim, so don't try anything on me.) I'm not part of any violent ideology. Muhammad didn't want any of this.
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You are wrong. You may not be violent but islam is and i have proved it. Your explanation of the violent verses doesnt make any sense. When it says " fight those who do not believe in allah" is that suppose to be taken as a joke? Give me a break, its ment to be obeyed. You are not going to change my mind on this or convert me, my dad has tried many times. He is muslim and he hates jews and the west like the majority of muslims. He blames everything on the jews. Just last week he went on a rant about how stupid western people are. This is the crap that islam brainwashes muslims with. Im sick of all the islamic lies and you are full of it.
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Islam was never meant to be violent. I'm sorry, but I will not tolerate having my beliefs dragged through the dirt. The Quran was meant to be taken figuratively, but these terrorists are basically defacing what Islam was meant for. Look, I don't insult your beliefs, so don't insult mine. Do unto others as you would want done to you. I'm not trying to convert, I'm merely speaking on behalf of my fellow Muslims who face persecution everyday despite not doing anything to warrant it. I don't have a problem with Jews, Christians, LGBT people, Agnostics, or Atheists, so why must my beliefs be walked all over for no reason? I'm not lying at all, so stop treating me like garbage.
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I will criticize your garbage and violent religion and expose its lies in any way i see fit. I dont live in an islamic country anymore where i can be arrested or killed under blasphemy laws. I left to escape islamic oppression and its funny how muslims always play the victim when its islam thats the problem and its islam thats oppressive. Your lies and efforts here are in vain. Haha made to be taken figuratively?! This is why you are a superficial cultural muslim. Instead of leaving islam you lie to defend its violent teachings or you really are very ignorant either way all this bs you are saying is not gonna work on me. You might as well give up now.
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Ok, you know what, I was trying to be nice here, but you've become a major dingle, so good day to you.
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